Data Age Welcomes Game X Change To PawnMaster Nation

As the global leader, most widely used, recognized, and most reliable software firm supplying...

Marketing Matters

Marketing. I could write that word in hieroglyphics and we would probably be as close to...

Leadership In Times Of Crisis

Over the years, the word “leadership” has frequently been used as more of a buzzword. Don't get me...

In the Pawn Shop: General VS. Specialty Stores

I’ve been asked many times, “Why do you carry all this stuff in your store”? I know they’re...

Data Age eCommerce Clients Surpass $45 Million In Online Sales

Data Age Business Systems, developer of the industry’s leading pawn management software...

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Etsy Users Contend with Privacy Issue, Dupe Payments

Etsy Users Contend with Privacy Issue, Dupe Payments

Etsy sellers are worried once again about privacy issues, with some sellers stating that Etsy is publishing their personal names on customer email receipts instead of their company names. In addition, some buyers are complaining that Etsy is charging them multiple...

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10 Techniques Used by Manipulators (and How to Fight Them)

10 Techniques Used by Manipulators (and How to Fight Them)

Psychopaths aren't just the villains in slasher movies and Wall Street morality tales. They walk among us in offices every day, appearing at first like normal colleagues. One study found that a small but significant portion of business leaders--3 to 4 percent--meet...

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Effective Security Goes Beyond Protecting Card Data

Effective Security Goes Beyond Protecting Card Data

The retail enterprise is under siege from all sides. While the high-profile POS data breach still gets the lion's share of attention, it is just one aspect of the cyber security war currently waging between retailers and digital criminals. In fact, stealing and...

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